
Synchronization, that is, coordinating concurrent operations on the vector, is achieved through two little data structures: the Descriptor and the WriteDescriptor. As you might expect, the Descriptor describes the vector and the WriteDescriptor describes a write operation.

The Descriptor

The descriptor holds two values: a pointer to a WriteDescriptor, and a value indicating the size of the vector.

The WriteDescriptor

The WriteDescriptor holds three values: the location of the write (a pointer-like object), an old value, and a new value. If your spidey-sense is tingling, it might be because this new/old business is hinting at a compare_exchange in the future.

Now that we've seen the Descriptor and WriteDescriptor, here's a quick summary of the vector's structure:

# Data Organization
    [Pointer -> Memory],
    Pointer -> Descriptor

    Pointer -> Possible WriteDescriptor, 

    Pointer -> Element location, 
    New Element, 
    Old Element

How does this actually help with synchronization?

The major challenges of providing lock-free vector implementation stem from the fact that key operations need to atomically modify two or more non-colocated words (Dechev et. al., 2006)

This translates to, "We need to change two things (without locking the vector down) to ensure the vector is in the right state." For a push operation, say, we would need to change the length of the vector and write the new data.

The descriptor system gets around this by saying, "If you want to change the Descriptor, you need to complete a pending write if there is one." Why does this ensure the correct semantics? Consider this example from the paper:

The semantics of the pop_back[pop] and push_back[push] operations are guaranteed by the Descriptor object. Consider the case when a pop_back is interrupted by any matching number of push_back and pop_back operations. In a naive implementation, the size of the vector would appear unchanged when the original pop_back resumes and the operation could produce an erroneous result. (Dechev et. al., 2006)

Under the "naive implementation", in this scenario, the vector might look like [1, 2, 3]. Someone calls pop, and the vector should return 3. However, the thread gets preempted (the OS says another thread can run, and the current thread is paused), and the running thread executes a bunch of pops and pushes. The vector becomes [4, 5, 6]. When the original pop finally runs, it incorrectly returns 6.

Let's consider when the first push happens after the original pop under the correct implementation. When the push happens, it swaps in a new Descriptor, which says that the size is now one bigger and points to a new WriteDescriptor representing a push operation. Because it swapped in a Descriptor, it has to complete the operation specified in the current WriteDescriptor, and the original pop returns 3, as it should.

Let me clarify all this swapping business!