
We've got to have some way of making a vector (or at least for an outside user to make one).

What are the ingredients we need to make the vector? Buffers, Descriptor, and WriteDescriptor. The WriteDescriptor is going to be None, as we don't have any pending writes yet.

Here's the code:

fn main() {
// We actually do want this to be copied
const ATOMIC_NULLPTR: AtomicPtr<AtomicU64>
    = AtomicPtr::new(ptr::null_mut::<AtomicU64>());

pub fn new() -> Self {
    // Make an array of 60 AtomicPtr<Atomicu64> set to the null pointer
    let buffers = Box::new([ATOMIC_NULLPTR; 60]);

    // Make a new WriteDescriptor
    let pending = WriteDescriptor::<T>::new_none_as_ptr();

    // Make a new descriptor
    let descriptor = Descriptor::<T>::new_as_ptr(pending, 0, 0);

    // Return self
    Self {
        descriptor: CachePadded::new(AtomicPtr::new(descriptor)),
        buffers: CachePadded::new(buffers),
        _boo: PhantomData,


Firstly, we declare the constant ATOMIC_NULLPTR. This is just an AtomicPtr containging a null pointer. The reason the const declaration is necessary is that when we make an array of something [SOMETHING; 60], that SOMETHING needs to be Copy or evaluatable at compile time. Since AtomicPtr<AtomicU64> is not Copy, we resort to creating ATOMIC_NULLPTR at compile time. Once we have our array of null pointers, we put it on the heap to reduce the size of the vector. If we were carrying it all directly, the vector would be over 480 bytes large! With a Box, we only store 8 bytes pointing to the first level in our two-level array.

Then, we make a WriteDescriptor using new_none_as_ptr(), which returns an Option<WriteDescriptor<T>>. We pass this into the constructor (new_as_ptr) for Descriptor<T>, and then assemble the Descriptor and the Boxed array together to make the vector.

The constructors for the descriptor types end in as_ptr because they actually return a raw pointer pointing to a heap allocation containing the value. We achieve this by making a Box and then extracting the inner raw pointer.

let b = Box::(5);
let b_ptr = Box::into_raw(b); <- That's a raw pointer to heap memory!

My first UB mistake

I introduced the heap and the stack earlier in the keywords section, but I didn't explain why the distinction is important.

When a function is called, a stack frame is pushed onto the stack. This stack frame contains all the function's local variables. When the function returns, the stack frame is popped off the stack, and all local variables are destroyed. This invalidates all references to local variables that were just popped off.

The heap is different. You allocate on the heap, and you deallocate on the heap. Nothing happens automatically. This is the legendary malloc/free combo from C.

Understanding the distinction between the stack and the heap is important because we are using raw pointers, which don't have the guarantees of references.

Here is my first mistake, summarized a little:

use core::sync::atomic::{Ordering, AtomicPtr};

fn main() {
    let ptr = new_descriptor();
    // Use the pointer to the Descriptor
    let d = unsafe { &*ptr.load(Ordering::Acquire) };

// Return a pointer to a Descriptor
fn new_descriptor() -> AtomicPtr<Descriptor> {
    let d = Descriptor { size: 0, write: None };
    AtomicPtr::new(&d as *const _ as *mut _)

struct Descriptor {
    size: usize,
    write: Option<bool>
$ cargo miri run
error: Undefined Behavior: pointer to alloc1184 was dereferenced after this allocation got freed
  --> src\
46 |     let d = unsafe { &*ptr.load(Ordering::Acquire) };
   |                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ pointer to alloc1184 was dereferenced after this allocation got freed
   = help: this indicates a bug in the program: it performed an invalid operation, and caused Undefined Behavior

Miri says pointer to alloc1184 was dereferenced after this allocation got freed. Translation: use-after-free; classic UB.

So why is the Descriptor's allocation being freed? Because it's allocated on the stack. When new_descriptor returns, the local variable d: Descriptor get's destroyed, and the pointer we made from the reference is invalidated. Thus, we use-after-free when we deference a freed allocation.

This is the danger of using raw pointers. If we just passed on the reference Descriptor, Rust would promote that value to have a 'static lifetime if possible, or return an error if not. With raw pointers, Rust doesn't manage lifetimes, so we have to ensure that our pointers are valid.

This is why only dereferencing a raw pointer is unsafe. It's perfectly safe to make one, but we have no guarantees about what it's pointing to, and that's why the dereference is unsafe.

Thank you Miri!