Fixing push & pop

I know I said that the changes to push and pop aren't that bad, which is true. Getting to those changes however, took a while. I'm going to explain what I did with pseudocode first, and then show the final code.

The first thing I tried was just retiring the old Descriptor after a successful compare_exchange, however, this didn't reduce the leakage at all for some reason. I figured it might be because the Descriptor was pointing a live WriteDescriptor. So then, I also retired the WriteDescriptor. However, this produced use-after-frees and data races according to Miri, so I knew I was doing something wrong.

I decided to review the safety contract of retire_in again, and that is when I found the bug. Retiring the Descriptor is safe for the same reason retiring the WriteDescriptor after complete_write is. Since the Descriptor is the result of a swap, we are the only thread who will retire it. The thing is, if we also retire the WriteDescriptor, a thread who is already accessing the Descriptor could make a new load to the just retired WriteDescriptor, violating the safety contract of retire_in, and causing UB.

The problem in picture form

We, Thread 1, have the Descriptor as the result of a successful compare_exchange. Thread 2 is also reading the Descriptor (but not the inner WriteDescriptor)

               Thread 2
Thread 1 (us) /
   |         /
   |        /
   V       v

Because the compare_exchange was successful, we retire the Descriptor and WriteDescriptor. The Descriptor is protected from reclamation because Thread 2 is reading it, but the WriteDescriptor has no readers so it gets deallocated.

               Thread 2
Thread 1 (us) /
   |         /
   |        /
   V       v
        WriteDescriptor <Deallocated>

Now, Thread 2 goes to read the (now reclaimed!!) WriteDescriptor by loading the pointer contained in the Descriptor (which is still protected, and safe to access).

               Thread 2
Thread 1 (us)     |
   |              |
   |              |
   V              |
  Descriptor      |
     \            |
       \          |
        v         V
        WriteDescriptor <Deallocated>

And here we have it, Thread 2 accessing deallocated memory!

The solution

The solution I came up with is to make sure a reference to a WriteDescriptor never outlives the reference to it's parent Descriptor. Visually this looks like:

-- Descriptor Reference Start

    -- WriteDescriptor Reference Start

    -- WriteDescriptor Reference End

-- Descriptor Reference End

This means that when there are no people accessing a Descriptor, there are also no people accessing the inner WriteDescriptor. Therefore, when a Descriptor is retireded, the WriteDescriptor is also safe to retire because there are no references to it. Since no one can get a new reference to a retireed Descriptor, no once can access the inner WriteDescriptor.

Why is this important? Whenever we reclaim a Descriptor, we also reclaim the inner WriteDescriptor, fixing our leaks without causing any UB.

To implement this custom behavior for Descriptor, we implement the Drop trait. A type that implements Drop executes some custom behavior when it goes out of scope and is reclaimed.

The Drop implementation looks like this:

fn main() {
impl<T> Drop for Descriptor<'_, T>
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        // # Safety
        // The pointer is valid because it's from Box::into_raw
        // We must also ensure ref to wdesc never outlasts ref to desc
        unsafe {
                    .into_inner() // This is a NonNull<T>
                    .as_ptr() // Turn it into a raw pointer

All we're doing is extracting the pointer to the WriteDescriptor and calling Box::from_raw on it so that its memory will be reclaimed by Box when it goes out of scope.

Reclaiming the Descriptors

Its time to finally go over the code changes to push. All accesses to the Descriptor and WriteDescriptor are guarded with a hazard pointer. The access returns a reference to the Descriptor/WriteDescriptor, which is valid as long as the hazard pointer guarding the access is alive. Access to the inner WriteDescriptor is explicitly scoped within its own block to make clear that access to the WriteDescriptor cannot outlive the access to the parent Descriptor.

fn main() {
pub fn push(&self, elem: T) {
    let backoff = Backoff::new(); // Backoff causes significant speedup
    loop {
        let mut dhp = HazardPointer::new_in_domain(&self.domain);
        let current_desc = unsafe { self.descriptor.load(&mut dhp) }
            .expect("invalid ptr for descriptor in push");

        // Use a block to make explicit that the use of the wdesc does not outlive
        // the use of the desc.
        // This means that when the desc is dropped, there will be no references
        // to the wdesc inside.
        // And we can deallocate the wdesc with `Box::from_raw`
            let mut wdhp = HazardPointer::new_in_domain(&self.domain);
            let pending = unsafe { current_desc.pending.load(&mut wdhp) }
                .expect("invalid ptr from write-desc in push");

            self.complete_write(pending as *const _ as *mut _);
            // Hazard pointer is dropped, protection ends

This stuff is all the same as before.

fn main() {
        // If we need more memory, calculate the bucket
        let bucket = (highest_bit(current_desc.size + FIRST_BUCKET_SIZE)
            - highest_bit(FIRST_BUCKET_SIZE)) as usize;
        // Allocate it
        if self.buffers[bucket].load(Ordering::Acquire).is_null() {

        let last_elem = unsafe { &*self.get(current_desc.size) };

        let next_write_desc = WriteDescriptor::<T>::new_some_as_ptr(
            // TODO: address this in macro
            // # Safety
            // The `transmute_copy` is safe because we have ensured that T is the
            // correct size at compile time
            unsafe { mem::transmute_copy::<T, u64>(&elem) },
            // Load from the AtomicU64, which really contains the bytes for T

        let next_desc = Descriptor::<T>::new_as_ptr(next_write_desc,
            current_desc.size + 1);


The compare_exchange syntax is slightly different, but it's doing the exact same thing. We don't have to specify orderings because they're built in by haphazard. On a successful compare_exchange, we retire the pointer to the old Descriptor. When it is finally reclaimed, its Drop implementation will run and its inner WriteDescriptor will also get reclaimed safely.

If the compare_exchange fails, we deallocate our local Descriptor normally by calling Box::from_raw. Since the local Descriptor was never shared across threads, we don't have to worry about synchronizing the deallocation. Then, we spin using the Backoff and go back to the top of the loop.

fn main() {
        if let Ok(replaced) = unsafe {
                // # Safety
                // Safe because the pointer we swap in points to a valid object that
                // is !null
                current_desc as *const _ as *mut _,
        } {

            // # Safety
            // Since the we only retire when swapping out a pointer, this is the only
            // thread that will retire, since only one thread receives the result of
            // the swap (this one)
            // There will never be another load call to the ptr because all calls will
            // go the new one. Since all uses of the inner wdesc are contained within
            // the lifetime of the reference to the desc, there will also be no new
            // loads on the inner wdesc.
            unsafe {

        // Deallocate the write_desc and desc that we failed to swap in
        // # Safety
        // Box the write_desc and desc ptrs were made from Box::into_raw, so it
        // is safe to Box::from_raw
        unsafe {
            // Note: the inner wdesc also get's dropped as part of the desc's drop impl



The changes for pop are identical. We are so close to being done with code. Our Descriptors and WriteDescriptors are eventually reclaimed, which is a big step forward. The last thing is to deallocate the buckets and the final Descriptor when the vector itself is dropped.

Complete source for push() and pop()

fn main() {
pub fn push(&self, elem: T) {
    let backoff = Backoff::new(); // Backoff causes significant speedup
    loop {
        let mut dhp = HazardPointer::new_in_domain(&self.domain);
        let current_desc = unsafe { self.descriptor.load(&mut dhp) }
            .expect("invalid ptr for descriptor in push");

        // Use a block to make explicit that the use of the wdesc does not
        // outlive the use of the desc. This means that when the desc is dropped,
        // there will be no references to the wdesc inside.And we can deallocate
        // the wdesc with `Box::from_raw`
            let mut wdhp = HazardPointer::new_in_domain(&self.domain);
            let pending = unsafe { current_desc.pending.load(&mut wdhp) }
                .expect("invalid ptr from write-desc in push");

            self.complete_write(pending as *const _ as *mut _);
            // Hazard pointer is dropped, protection ends

        // If we need more memory, calculate the bucket
        let bucket = (highest_bit(current_desc.size + FIRST_BUCKET_SIZE)
            - highest_bit(FIRST_BUCKET_SIZE)) as usize;
        // Allocate it
        if self.buffers[bucket].load(Ordering::Acquire).is_null() {

        let last_elem = unsafe { &*self.get(current_desc.size) };

        let next_write_desc = WriteDescriptor::<T>::new_some_as_ptr(
            // TODO: address this in macro
            // # Safety
            // The `transmute_copy` is safe because we have ensured that T is
            // the correct size at compile time
            unsafe { mem::transmute_copy::<T, u64>(&elem) },
            // Load from the AtomicU64, which really contains the bytes for T

        let next_desc = Descriptor::<T>::new_as_ptr(next_write_desc,
            current_desc.size + 1);

        if let Ok(replaced) = unsafe {
                // # Safety
                // Safe because the pointer we swap in points to a valid object that
                // is !null
                current_desc as *const _ as *mut _,
        } {

            // # Safety
            // Since the we only retire when swapping out a pointer, this is the only
            // thread that will retire, since only one thread receives the result of
            // the swap (this one)
            // There will never be another load call to the ptr because all calls will
            // go the new one. Since all uses of the inner wdesc are contained within
            // the lifetime of the reference to the desc, there will also be no new
            // loads on the inner wdesc.
            unsafe {

        // Deallocate the write_desc and desc that we failed to swap in
        // # Safety
        // Box the write_desc and desc ptrs were made from Box::into_raw, so it is
        // safe to Box::from_raw
        unsafe {
            // Note: the inner wdesc also get's dropped as part of the desc's drop impl


pub fn pop(&self) -> Option<T> {
    let backoff = Backoff::new(); // Backoff causes significant speedup
    loop {
        let mut dhp = HazardPointer::new_in_domain(&self.domain);
        let current_desc = unsafe { self.descriptor.load(&mut dhp) }
            .expect("invalid ptr for descriptor in pop");

        // Use a block to make explicit that the use of the wdesc does not
        // outlive the use of the desc. This means that when the desc is
        //  dropped, there will be no references to the wdesc inside.
        // And we can deallocate the wdesc with `Box::from_raw`
            let mut wdhp = HazardPointer::new_in_domain(&self.domain);
            let pending = unsafe { current_desc.pending.load(&mut wdhp) }
                .expect("invalid ptr for write-descriptor in pop");

            self.complete_write(pending as *const _ as *mut _);
            // Hazard pointer is dropped, protection ends

        if current_desc.size == 0 {
            return None;

        // TODO: add safety comment
        // Consider if new desc is swapped in, can we read deallocated memory?
        // Do not need to worry about underflow for the sub because we would
        // have already returned
        let elem = unsafe { &*self.get(current_desc.size - 1) }

        let new_pending = WriteDescriptor::<T>::new_none_as_ptr();

        let next_desc = Descriptor::<T>::new_as_ptr(new_pending,
            current_desc.size - 1);

        if let Ok(replaced) = unsafe {
                // # Safety
                // Safe because the pointer we swap in points to a valid object that
                // is !null
                current_desc as *const _ as *mut _,
        } {
            // # Safety
            // Since the we only retire when swapping out a pointer, this is the only
            // thread that will retire, since only one thread receives the result of
            // the swap (this one)
            // There will never be another load call to the ptr because all calls will
            // go the new one. Since all uses of the inner wdesc are contained within
            // the lifetime of the reference to the desc, there will also be no new
            // loads  on the inner wdesc.
            unsafe {

            // # Safety
            // TODO: address this in macro
            // This is ok because we ensure T is the correct size at compile time
            // We also know that elem is a valid T because it was transmuted into a
            // usize from a valid T, therefore we are only transmuting it back
            return Some(unsafe { mem::transmute_copy::<u64, T>(&elem) });

        // Deallocate the write_desc and desc that we failed to swap in
        // # Safety
        // Box the write_desc and desc ptrs were made from Box::into_raw, so
        // it is safe to Box::from_raw
        unsafe {
            // Note: the inner wdesc also get's dropped as part of the desc's drop impl
