You can read the code we'll write and the code for the book here. The main files for the
code are and
The Goal
This book has a few goals.
Inspired by Learn Rust With Entirely Too Many Linked Lists, the main goal of this book is to teach you some Rust while implementing a useful container. We'll be implementing the lock-free vector described in the paper Lock-free Dynamically Resizable Arrays by Dechev et al., 2006
I hope that this book will inspire other new Rustaceans like myself to push their capabilities. I also hope that non-Rustaceans will see the how awesome Rust is as well. No matter whether you code or not, I hope that this book will show you a interesting area of computer science and a beautiful language!
Topics We'll Cover
- Concurrency
- Cache
- Exponential Backoff
- Atomics
- Memory Orderings
- Compare-and-Swap
- Memory Management
- Allocations in Rust
- Hazard Pointers
- Using Rust
- Using
Rust- Raw Pointers
- How to write
- Anything else I find interesting!
Necessary Experience
tl;dr it's good to know some Rust
It will be helpful to be familiar with Rust or another language like C and C++,
as we will be dealing with low-level constructs like pointers, atomics, and
memory management. However, even if you are only familiar with Some(_)
of these things, I believe you will be able to learn an interesting thing
or two. I should say though, there is a lot of code in the later portions of
the book.
Of course, the code will be in Rust, so prior knowledge will be helpful. I'm not going to spend time explaining syntax. However, I will comment the code well and explain what is going on. I think if you're comfortable with the first 15 chapters of The Book, you should be fine. Even if not, as long as you understand most of Rust syntax and are fine with looking something up every once in a while, you'll be fine. Chapter 16 is very helpful as well as it's the chapter on concurrency.