
There are three main differences between pop and push. Firstly, pop never needs to allocate. Secondly, pop swaps in a slightly different descriptor, with None as the WriteDescriptor and current_desc.size - 1 as the new size.

fn main() {
    let new_pending = WriteDescriptor::<T>::new_none_as_ptr();
    let next_desc = Descriptor::<T>::new_as_ptr(new_pending, current_desc.size - 1);


The final difference is that after we succeed with the compare_exchange, we read the last element and return it.

fn main() {
    if AtomicPtr::compare_exchange_weak(
        current_desc as *const _ as *mut _,
        // # Safety
        // This is ok because only 64-bit values can be stored in the vector
        // We also know that elem is a valid T because it was transmuted into a usize
        // from a valid T, therefore we are only transmuting it back
        return Some(unsafe { mem::transmute_copy::<u64, T>(&elem) });


The rest of the function: loading the Descriptors, compare_exchange, Backoff, is identical.

Like push, pop also leaks memory profusely. Luckily, this means that when we implement memory reclamation, it'll be the same solution for push and pop.

Complete source for pop()

fn main() {
pub fn pop(&self) -> Option<T> {
    let backoff = Backoff::new(); // Backoff causes significant speedup
    loop {
        let current_desc = unsafe { &*self.descriptor.load(Ordering::Acquire) };
        let pending = unsafe { &*current_desc.pending.load(Ordering::Acquire) };

        if current_desc.size == 0 {
            return None;

        // # Safety
        // Do not need to worry about underflow for the sub because we would have
        // already returned
        let elem = unsafe { &*self.get(current_desc.size - 1) }

        let write_desc = WriteDescriptor::<T>::new_none_as_ptr();
        let next_desc = Descriptor::<T>::new_as_ptr(write_desc, current_desc.size - 1);

        if AtomicPtr::compare_exchange_weak(
            current_desc as *const _ as *mut _,
            // # Safety
            // This is ok because only 64-bit values can be stored in the vector
            // We also know that elem is a valid T because it was transmuted into a
            // usize from a valid T, therefore we are only transmuting it back
            return Some(unsafe { mem::transmute_copy::<u64, T>(&elem) });
