
(also known as CAS and compare_exchange)

Definition: swap a value with a new value only if the the current value is what we think it is.

This reason this is important is that loosely, we can say the state during the swap is the same as the state we observed when preparing for the swap.

Here's a code example:

CAS old = A, new = 2 * A // Only swap in the double if the number hasn't changed

A more realistic example with a linked list would be this;


CAS old = LIST_NODE.pointer, new = new_pointer

In this case, we switch the LIST_NODE pointer only if it hasn't changed.

Here's what we did:

  1. We loaded the node
  2. We read the pointer
  3. We called CAS with the new pointer

At this point, there are two things that can happen:

  1. The pointer changed, and the CAS fails. This means that someone else changed the pointer first, and it's good that the CAS failed, because it's possible the the change that succeeded invalidates the change we just tried to make.
  2. The pointer is the same, and CAS succeeds. Because the pointer was the same, our assumptions about the state of the vector held, and our change was valid.

At first, this might seem contrived and confusing (as it did to me). I would focus on this intuition: if CAS succeeds, loosely, we can say the state during the swap was the same as the state we observed when preparing for the swap. Our assumptions were consistent throughout the whole process.

The compare_exchange function in the Rust Standard Library returns a Result<T, T>, where T is the type being exchanged. The Result contains the value that the variable actually was. If compare_exchange fails, it returns Err(actual_value), on success, it returns Ok(expected_value) (if it succeeded, that means actual_value == expected_value).

Note: for the rest of the book, I'm going to refer to compare-and-swap as compare_exchange, as that is what the Rust Standard Library uses. I used compare-and-swap on this page because the name is very explicit about what the operation does.