
You made it! We're going to implement half of the main functionality of the vector. The code is going to get a little complex, but I'm confident in you. I eventually understood what was going on, so you can too.

We're going to track the steps described in The Algorithm closely. We don't want to mess up the concurrent semantics of the vector during implementation. The first thing we do is load in the Descriptor and WriteDescriptor. This is actually harder than it might seem, as we're working with unsafe things like raw pointers. We need to be very careful. But wait, there's one more thing we should cover, and that's exponential backoff!

Exponential Backoff

Exponential backoff is another one of those techniques that's unique to concurrent programming. compare_exchange algorithms like the one we're implementing can produce a lot of contention over a couple specific memory locations. For example, may threads are trying to compare_exchange the AtomicPtr<Descriptor> stored in the vector. That spot in memory is constantly bombarded with heavy atomic operations. One way we can alleviate this is by waiting a little bit after failing to compare_exchange. The first time we fail, we back off for 1 tick. If we fail again, we back off for 2 ticks, then 4, 8 . . . this is why the backoff is exponential. By backing off, we give another thread some room to successfully perform their compare_exchange. In some mircobenchmarks I did, introducing exponential backoff greatly speeded up the vector. It's cool that going slower at a micro level allows us to go faster on a macro level. crossbeam_utils has a useful little struct called Backoff that we're going to use.

fn main() {
pub fn push(&self, elem: T) {
    let backoff = Backoff::new(); // Backoff causes significant speedup
    loop {
        // # Safety
        // It is safe to dereference the raw pointers because they started off valid
        // and can only be CAS'd with pointers from `Box::into_raw`
        let current_desc = unsafe { &*self.descriptor.load(Ordering::Acquire) };

        // Complete a pending write op if there is any
        let pending = unsafe { &*current_desc.pending.load(Ordering::Acquire) };


There is already a lot going on here, in just these 10ish lines of code. Firstly, we've instantiated a Backoff. A the bottom of the loop, if we failed to compare_exchange in our new Descriptor, we'll call Backoff::spin() to wait a little bit, then we'll come back up to the top of the loop and try again.

This code also contains a very unsafe operation: dereferencing a raw pointer. The more I read about the dangers of raw pointers, the more scared I got. Paraphrasing from The Book, raw pointers aren't guaranteed to point to valid memory, aren't guaranteed to be non-null, don't implement cleanup (like Box), and ignore all the aliasing rules (&/&mut semantics).

After watching Demystifying unsafe code I felt better. unsafe code isn't intrinsically bad, it's just code that comes with an extra contract that we must uphold and document.

In the case of these first raw pointer dereferences, we know the dereference is safe because the pointers to the Descriptor and WriteDescriptor come from Box::into_raw, which returns a non-null and aligned pointer. unsafe is scary, but not necessarily bad. Obviously, we should try to limit its uses as much as possible though, as we can slip up and violate contracts.

Mitigating unsafe code: there are ways we can construct API's that need unsafe code to work without exposing users to danger. For example, we could make a type AtomicBox<T> that's mostly a wrapper around AtomicPtr<T>. It might look a little something like this:

fn main() {
struct AtomicBox<T> {
    ptr: AtomicPtr<T>

impl<T> AtomicBox<T> {
    // We can only make a `Self` from a `Box`'s pointer!
    pub fn new(box: Box<T>) -> Self {

    // Caller knows they are receiving a pointer from `Box`
    pub fn load(&self, ordering: Ordering) -> *mut T {

    // -- snip --


There's nothing super crazy going on here, it's just that we've configured the API so that we know the pointer inside the AtomicBox<T> is valid because it could only have come from Box. Now, instead of manually ensuring the invariant that we use Box::into_raw pointers, the compiler/type system does so for us.

After loading in the WriteDescriptor, we execute it if need be.

fn main() {


Since we're pushing onto the vector, we might need more memory:

fn main() {
    // Calculate which bucket this element is going into
    let bucket = (highest_bit(current_desc.size + FIRST_BUCKET_SIZE)
        - highest_bit(FIRST_BUCKET_SIZE)) as usize;

    // If the bucket is null, allocate the memory
    if self.buffers[bucket].load(Ordering::Acquire).is_null() {


Let's make our new WriteDescriptor now:

fn main() {
    // # Safety
    // It is safe to call `self.get()` because if the vector has reached
    // `current_desc.size`, so there is a bucket allocated for element `size`.
    // Therefore, the pointer is also valid to dereference because it points
    // into properly allocated memory.
    let last_elem = unsafe { &*self.get(current_desc.size) };
    let write_desc = WriteDescriptor::<T>::new_some_as_ptr(
        unsafe { mem::transmute_copy::<T, u64>(&elem) },
        // Load from the AtomicU64, which really contains the bytes for T


For now we are assuming that the vector is only storing values 8 bytes big, therefore it is safe to transmute_copy to an AtomicU64. I plan on writing a macro that produces different implementations of the vector with different atomic types when storing types of different sizes. For example, SecVec<(i8, i8)> would store the data in AtomicU16. This would save on space. I don't think the vector would work for zero-sized types because of how we transmute. It would also be very inefficient because of all the unnecessary allocations!

Note that last_elem's type is &AtomicU64; it's the location of the write. When we load from last_elem, we are getting the old element. We now have the three pieces of data necessary for compare_exchange: a memory location (the reference), an old element, and a new element (the T passed to this function).

Let's package everything up in a Descriptor.

fn main() {
    let next_desc = Descriptor::<T>::new_as_ptr(write_desc, current_desc.size + 1);


Since we are adding one more element onto the vector, the new Descriptor's size is one more than the old one's.

Here comes the crucial compare_exchange, in the AcqRel/Relaxed flavor:

fn main() {
    if AtomicPtr::compare_exchange_weak(
        current_desc as *const _ as *mut _,
        // We know the current write_desc is the one we just sent in
        // with the compare_exchange so avoid loading it atomically
        self.complete_write(unsafe { &*write_desc });


If the compare_exchange succeeds, we call complete_write on the descriptor we just made to finalize the changes, then we break out of the loop.

If compare_exchange fails, we'll simply start over again.

Either way, we have a memory leak. If the compare_exchange succeeded, we never deal with the old Descriptor's pointer. We can never safely deallocate it because we don't know if anyone is reading it. It would be terribly rude to pull the rug out from under them! Also the deallocation would probably cause a use-after-free which would cause the OS to terminate the program which would rip a hole in the space-time continuum which would. Wait what? Uhh, moving on . . .

If the compare_exchange failed, the new Descriptor and WriteDescriptor leak. Once we reach the end of the loop, all local variables in that scope are lost. So, we never get back the pointers to our new describe-y objects, and their memory is lost the the void, never to be seen again (unless we do some wildly dumb stuff and read a random address or something). In any case, within the code for the vector, I try not to tempt the segfault gods. My other projects, maybe a little bit.

At this point, we've failed the compare_exchange. Let's Backoff::spin() and then retry:

fn main() {
    } // Closing brace for the loop
} // Closing brace for the function


Once we finish looping and finally succeed with the compare_exchange, we're done! That's a push. The pseudocode is so simple, and the code is so . . . not simple. Props to you for getting this far, concurrent programming is not for the weak of spirit.

I'll cover the minor differences in pop, and then we'll cap off the leaky code with size.

Complete source for push

fn main() {
pub fn push(&self, elem: T) {
    let backoff = Backoff::new(); // Backoff causes significant speedup
    loop {
        // # Safety
        // It is safe to dereference the raw pointers because they started off valid
        // and can only be CAS'd with pointers from `Box::into_raw`
        let current_desc = unsafe { &*self.descriptor.load(Ordering::Acquire) };
        let pending = unsafe { &*current_desc.pending.load(Ordering::Acquire) };

        // Complete a pending write op if there is any

        // Allocate memory if need be
        let bucket = (highest_bit(current_desc.size + FIRST_BUCKET_SIZE)
            - highest_bit(FIRST_BUCKET_SIZE)) as usize;
        if self.buffers[bucket].load(Ordering::Acquire).is_null() {
        // # Safety
        // It is safe to call `self.get()` because if the vector has reached
        // `current_desc.size`, so there is a bucket allocated for element `size`.
        // Therefore, the pointer is also valid to dereference because it points
        // into properly allocated memory.
        let last_elem = unsafe { &*self.get(current_desc.size) };

        let write_desc = WriteDescriptor::<T>::new_some_as_ptr(
            unsafe { mem::transmute_copy::<T, u64>(&elem) },

        let next_desc = Descriptor::<T>::new_as_ptr(write_desc, current_desc.size + 1);

        // Handle result of compare_exchange
        if AtomicPtr::compare_exchange_weak(
            current_desc as *const _ as *mut _,
            // We know the current write_desc is the one we just sent in
            // with the compare_exchange so avoid loading it atomically
            self.complete_write(unsafe { &*write_desc });

